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Author name: Georgios Papakonstantinou

What Is Alpha-Lipoic Acid And How Does It Help Our Health

Alpha-lipoic acid is a sulfur-containing fatty acid, which is naturally produced by the liver and other tissues in our body. It is also absorbed intact from some foods introduced with the diet and accumulates in some tissues (liver, heart, muscle, brain and nerves and others). Alpha lipoic acid is a molecule similar to vitamins that …

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Yellow Dock Root

Yellow dock, also known as curled or curly dock, is a flowering plant that originates from Europe. The plant got its name thanks to circular structure of leaves. It grows in Europe, mostly Ireland, parts of Canada and the United States. Yellow dock can endure various weather conditions and can grow in various natural environments. …

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Grape Seeds

Grape seeds are seeds that are contained in grapes and possess impressive health benefits. While grapes itself form part of a booming and highly profitable wine industry all over the world, it is the seeds that contain health benefits for several common diseases. Grape seeds derive from grapes. They are usually industrially compressed and to …

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Artichoke (Cynara scolymus) is a plant native to the Mediterranean region. It draws attention because it is exotic and has a flower shape. Its edible parts are rich in substances that promote health such as polyphenols, inulin, fibers and minerals In addition to being part of several recipes, artichoke extract (in tablets) is widely used …

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Chicory Root

Mother nature has given us so many plants for curing everything,the only thing we have to learn is how to identify the right ones for certain diseases or affections and how to use them. Often not all the parts of a plant are used but only the flower, the leaves, the seeds or the root. …

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Chanca Piedra

It is usually born in small spaces between stones and can be found in backyards, sidewalks and cracks in walls. The leaves of the plant are used in the preparation of a medicinal tea, to which several benefits are attributed. Health Benefits of Chanca Piedra 1. Fight’s swelling Chanca-Piedra tea has diuretic properties, that is, …

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Jujube Seeds

Also called Ziziphus jujuba, Ber, or the Chinese date, the Jujube fruit is traditional Chinese medicine. It is a fruit-bearing plant that has long been used as a medicine since it was first bred in South Asia around 9000 BC. What is the Jujube Seed? The jujube seed is the seed of the bite-sized Chinese …

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Dandelion is a flowering plant that has yellow flowers. They are known as taraxacum spp, however, taraxacum officinale is the common scientific name used. Medical experts use the root, stem, leaves, and flowers of the dandelion for medical reasons. This plant originated from Eurasia and currently, it has been introduced to many countries as such …

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Milk Thistle

Even if you’ve heard of milk thistle before, you may not know exactly what it is or what it’s for. Milk thistle has been used by people for more than 2,000 years. Milk thistle has been used in diets as the leaves, roots, flowers and stalks can be eaten. Although it can and has been …

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What Exactly Is N-Acetyl Cysteine

N-Acetylcysteine ​​- classically defined as NAC or more simply Acetylcysteine ​​- is the N-Acetyl derivative of the most common amino acid L-Cysteine. NAC or n-acetyl-cysteine ​​is a powerful free radical inhibitor that also penetrates the mitochondrion of cells (like melatonin), slowing down aging. NAC or N-acetylcysteine ​​is a precursor of Glutathione, one of our natural …

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Picrorhiza Kurroa

Its scientific name is Picrorhiza Kurroa, and it belongs to the Scrophulariaceae family. This plant grows spontaneously in the Himalayas at high altitudes: between 9,800 and 16,000 feet (or between 3,000 and 5,000 meters). It is also known as Hu Huang Lian. The parts used are the tuberous roots and the rhizomes, from which the …

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