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Turmeric And Its Amazing Health Properties


Turmeric refers to a spice that is derived from the turmeric plant. It is usually grown in India and Southeast Asian countries. This spice has a bitter, warm taste and is usually used to color or flavor cheeses, butter, mustards, and powders. The root the turmeric is used by medical experts to make medicine. The root of this plant has curcumin which is a yellow-colored chemical. This plant product has so many health benefits t our bodies some of them are as highlighted below.

Health benefits of Turmeric

Liver function

Turmeric has antioxidant effects that are very powerful such that they can stop any damage from toxins to your liver. Any person who has been taking strong drugs that can hurt his/her liver is the best alternative remedy to use.

Promotes healthy joints

Since the curcumin in turmeric has anti-inflammatory features, it can be beneficial to your joints by preventing them from swelling or getting inflamed. Researchers have found that rheumatoid arthritis, a chronic inflammatory disorder that leads to painful swelling of the joints can be overcome by using turmeric. In this case, if one uses about 500g of this spice daily it will be more effective compared to prescription drugs.

Promotes heart health

Chronic inflammation is one of the major causes of heart diseases, however, taking turmeric can prevent heart attacks and diseases. Another health benefit of curcumin component in turmeric is that it improves the lining if your blood vessels. This process occurs at the endothelium that is the cells that line the interior of the blood vessels and the lymphatic vessels. When your endothelium is not working properly, it will not properly regulate clotting and blood pressure. This can lead to heart diseases. However, taking turmeric is very effective in improving the functioning of vascular endothelial.

Great source of rich vitamins

Turmeric is the best source of other minerals and vitamins such as vitamin B6, potassium, copper, fibre and iron. Iron is important to our health as it assists in metabolizing proteins and also plays a role in red blood cells and hemoglobin production. Therefore, you should avoid concentrating that meat is the only source of iron that you can take. The vitamin B6 in turmeric can protect the immune system and stimulate co-enzyme activities.

Improves the thyroid functions

Turmeric is also a great source of Manganese which is a vital mineral that is required by your body. This mineral assists in maintaining a proper thyroid function. Remember the thyroid gland plays an important role in our general health. In case it’s not operating as required it can produce some symptoms which can negatively affect your happiness and health. There are so many signs which can show that your thyroid gland is not functioning properly, some of them are: feeling cold, fatigue, dry skin, heart palpitations, tinnitus, gritty or dry eyes, constipation, numbness in any part of your body, weight gain, thinning hair.

Manganese also assists in the synthesis of hormones which is beneficial especially in organ efficiency, metabolism, appetite, and weight loss. Finally, It can assist in the absorption of vitamins B and E.


Get to Know Me

Herba Heal is a supplement manufacturer based in New York, founded by Georgios Papakonstantinou in 2018. The first product, the Milk Thistle Live Detox formula, started selling through that year. Some of other products the Milk Thistle Liver Detox and Magnesium Bisglycinate capsules , the Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies and the Biotin are sold exclusively on Amazon under the Herba Heal brand. All products are produced in the United States in FDA registered facilities.

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